Wedge Story by H Carrick
My family and I have a beach shack at wedge Island. Wedge Island is north of Lancelin. When we go to our beach shack it takes about two hours to get there.
When we get to Lancelin we have to travel on a really bumpy track that contains lots of rocks and pot holes.
When we go up there we are really lucky to see Kangaroos and Emus drinking at a puddle near the track. Once we were really lucky and saw two beautiful little Emus drinking from the puddle. It was fascinating.
When we get up to Wedge Dad has a special container that contains his bits and pieces that help him to do things around the shack. We have to unload the four wheeler Kawasaki that mum and dad use to ride around on the tracks to have lots of fun and have a great time. I am really lucky to also have a bike of my own. It is a three wheeler Honda motor cycle. I rip around the beach on this bike. It has three gears and I push the accelerator full speed and zip around the beach. It is fun and I am able to follow Mum and Dan on my own.
When I go over all the bumps on my motor bike really fast it makes me feel sick but I love riding my bike.
In the morning Mummy makes pan cakes for me.
Sometimes we go fishing but we don’t usually catch many fish. Once, though I caught three fish and Mum and Dad caught none. I was really lucky because I had fish for dinner and Mummy and Daddy had vegetables.
We also go swimming. It is beautiful to swim in the lovely cool water on a really hot day.
Once day I actually stepped on a sting ray. I wondered what it was and when I found out it was a Sting ray I screamed my head off.
As a family we also go sand boarding. It is a great deal of fun but if you don’t put candle wax on the board it will not slide. It keeps on stopping and starting.
When my family and I arrive at Wedge Island the first thing we have to do is to unpack the four wheel drive. We all help to unpack but I really don’t like unpacking the car but I help anyway.
The shack at Wedge Island is made out of tin. It has a really big kitchen and it is used for everything. Off to the side there is a small bedroom which I share with Mum and Dad. There are a total of six beds. This includes two bunks, my bed and mum and dads bed. It also has a shower and toilet which are located inside. Our shack does not have a T.V. Mummy said if you have a holiday shack you do not need T.V. Mummy also says if there is a T.V. she would not go to Wedge Island.
Outside there are swings to play on but we put them inside when we leave so they won’t get stolen. We also have a barbeque out side.
At night I sometimes tell scary stories to mum and dad. Sometimes we go with Phil, mum and dad’s friend, and his kids and we play ‘Spotto’.
Spotto works like this. We use a really strong torch. All the children rum and hide and then Phil counts to one hundred. When he reaches one hundred he turns on the torch and tries to locate anyone who is hiding or moving. If he spots you, you are out for that particular game. The aim of the game is to get to the car, which is home, with out being spotted or seen.
It is a really exciting game and a great deal of fun. We love it so much we would play every night. Even the big kids love ‘Spotto’.
We go to Wedge Island at Easter time, Christmas time, sometimes during two day holidays and sometimes during the two week holiday.
The things I like most about Wedge Island are Spotto, the ocean and the sand dunes.
Wedge Story by: H Carrick